Great story and testimony. You should write a book!

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So honest! Your’s is a story worth telling. Thank you for being so ‘transparent’. W.

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Great caricature, emblematic of today's youth. No tattoos?

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That's a caricature of me in junior high before I changed my hair to a bright-red (faux) mohawk. No tattoos, though.

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So, what's the thinking behind the Mohawk? Same as the tattoos (which I just don't get)?

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Unhappy / stressed out kids often do things like this. I don't know why exactly. When my home life was good, I stopped.

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What a sight that must have been (pictures?). All worked out for the best, eh? ;-)

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No pictures from that era. Maybe for the best, lol

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Wasn't expecting any ;-)

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As for the personal side, junior high was the greatest time for me (from boy to young man), but high school and college were boring (academically and socially). Lots of memorizing useless material. Never was a "follower" which often put me on the outside. Ended up in a career where I could re-educate myself at my own pace and according to interests. Also losing my hearing (age, not genetics). Movie-watching requires captions--especially with UK actors. Finding out that I'm not missing much. ;-)

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I was happiest when I could go at my own pace but mildly pressured by the timeline of a formal class.

Most people I know use captions on TV even if they don't consider themselves hearing impaired. The sound mixing usually isn't very good for dialogue.

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Oct 2Liked by Sarah Salviander

I'm sure your pace was the opposite of mine. I had (still have) "reading issues." Pictures hold a thousand words for me. If I can't see it, I don't get it. So your mind-boggling math equations might as well be Martian hieroglyphics. (For me, they are.)

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Everyone has a different learning style, thank goodness!

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Oct 3·edited Oct 3

This is the link to the image (featuring the dreaded Martian Hieroglyphics) and article on Facebook, regarding the Feynman lectures emphasizing "conceptual understanding" vs. rote memorization:


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Oct 3·edited Oct 3

Was attempting to post the Facebook jpeg image to see if it would work. Too bad images aren't allowed here. Restricts my communication abilities ;-). Always wondered why you're not on Facebook (which I use, despite my contempt for its owner).

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I agree with you on what kids need to flourish, except for the part about being busy. Some kids need that. (I did.) But some kids don't. My youngest daughters are twins. Both are smart, but they learn very differently. One is like me - she learns very quickly. She might not retain everything long term, but that's okay because she can relearn it just as quickly when needed. The other needs more time. A lot of it is personality. She needs to be confident she understands everything, and when she isn't she struggles. She needs the down time to think things through. Loading her up with activities would stress her out.

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Good point. We all need downtime.

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